
Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Story About Recording Vocals for Bubblegum!


Ania is here... your true fan and piano chick from GL

Remember one time I promised you to tell how we were recording vocals for Bubblegum? Today is the day!

Well, lots of things in our current recording experience were kinda done a few times, because we were not happy with the way they were coming out first. So this happened with singing for Bubblegum!

Well, the first time i did it and then listened to it, and i was not happy. The vocals did not sound the way i wanted!!! Hm, what kind of secret is here...

Then a few sessions later, after a fun night "Mexican style" with our friends (you know what i mean ;) in the morning we rolled into the studio, sunglasses and everything. And David Ivory is like: alright, time to rerecord the vocals!!! That was a challenge!

WOW!! Of course i felt freshly not fresh and the voice was cracking, but MAN!!! It was so real and i literally felt transported into the Bubblegum world!!! Where we were doing "shady things"!!!!!!! Oh, it was amazing!!!! Also could not stop smiling, that's how STRONG i felt about what was going on!!!

And i just sang about what i felt :))) And! This version MADE it to the song!!!!!!!! A-uu!! That's how we keep in real, singing in front of golden mic (for real, it was golden, DI's special :))))))

All right friends, will let you go to get ready for upcomig Monday!!!

Bubblegum is coming out SOOOONN!!

1 comment:

  1. OH, guys! i wish i could explain you the excitement of Ethan and his friend Scott when they saw these pictures!!! they LOVED the mic, they told me all this crazy things about it... wow, i feel so proud now!!! i sang to this mic!!! he-he! ANia
