
Friday, December 30, 2011

Ania's Thoughts

I have seen the ocean nice and lovely in the morning. Sparkling, fresh, light blue. I saw the ocean the killer, with thick dark clouds and black-blue water. Sometimes it's gray, sometimes it is illuminated by the prettiest shades of blue.  It's never the same every day, every hour, every minute. I love, it is my inspiration.

Spending the end of the year and the begginning of the new year at the shore is  a dream coming true! I just have visited  this Beast, it is dark, and the white foamy waves are shining through the night. It is very loud and powerful. Perfect pre-New-Year's Father Ocean!

So many things to think about.  About a fresh start, about the accomplished things... I think I am happy. So many marvelous and magic things happened. We wrote Bubble Gum! This is definitely the highlight of my year 2011. May be I sound silly, but this is how I really feel!!! I never felt about a song like this before, and I really wanted the special song, that ONE song, and it came to me, to us!!!!

So, let's think around what is the New 2012 Year bringing us......

Thank you for reading!
See you at the next post, friend!!!

Sincerely, Ania

Tranquility and Paths

Sunset Waves

Paradise and Clouds

January: Tough and Stunning

Happy Eve of New Year Eve!!

So warms and nice out!! Gota hurry to my Russian store to get some Russian bread and salad!
Meanwhile, i have a little video for you to share!!!!
This is a song number 2 from our debut album Sentimental !!!! It is called Help Me Out!!!

Wish you well, Sincerely, Ania

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Suprising Day!

Wow, it was so rainy and not nice... I was sad. We did not have our photo shoot! We needed more conceptualization he-he done! So instead we made some SICK videos that we'll post soon!
They are so COOL, I love them!!!! But we had a fun day at the beach yesterday!!!

Monday, December 26, 2011

A Day with Ania and a Long Board

This was a lovely day, sunshine and my board that I call Green Lightning! 

Meet my green beauty!!! Sector 9 Longboard from sunny California!!! Mmm!!!
All right! Lets do it!!! This path look GOOD!

Ye-ja! Right into sunlight! FEELING FREE... Check out those wheels!

My favorite shoes!! Nike skateboarding!!!

Nice, turning now?
Another lovely adventure with my friend!!!

"What? A Photo shoot? Tomorrow? For the Bubble Gum song??!! Yeah! Lets do it!!!"
This is what this is all about. Some solitude ... and The Sun. (Conceptualizing deeply tomorrow's photo shoot!)

Wow! So tomorrow we are going to have a photo shoot for our single Bubble Gum! It should be fun!! Keep tuned in, cause tomorrow I'll tell you all about what was going on there!!!
Sincerely yours, Ania
and Glen Landing

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How we met David Ivory!!

We have been working with our producer David Ivory for about 6 month by now. How did it all happen?

Me playing Wurlitzer...

Well, one day Chuck Treece invited Dan to go to NARAS (National Academy of Recording Arts and Science OR Grammys!!) ) meeting in Philadelphia. It was great time! Dan found himself in a hall full of people "who is who in music biz"  in Philadelphia area. And all they were talking is about music and music business!! Yeah, sounds great! The president of Philadelphia NARAS, David Ivory, was speaking and was directing the meeting. I remember later that day Dan was telling me about this guy, David Ivory, the "man.

So that's how we became a part of Philadelphia NARAS Chapter. I met David Ivory for the first time at the Puck , a lovely place for live music in beautiful Doylestown, PA. He has showcases there. I got paralyzed and just smiled :) then we gave him our debut CD "Sentimental". Vow!! We just talked to DAVID IVORY!!!

Time was going by and we started taking part in different music conferences. One of the best ones and my favorite was Dewey Beach Music Conference in 2010. It was the end of September. Everything took place literally on the beach... It was beautiful!!

Mmm, isn't this amazing?

Atlantic ocean... My love...

We were running around trying to absorb everything that was going on, meeting people, non-stop talking... All of a sudden, in a hallway we bump into - OMG  - David Ivory!! He recognizes us, and greets. Then he said: "I really like you album! No, i really really like your album!!" And it all began there!!

He said he hears things, it's THERE,  and he wants everybody to hear it as well. And then he simply said, "Come to my studio! We'll talk, we'll play .."
At the studio, playing Wurlitzer for Holiday song

And this small episode in Glen Landing story is probably our first turning point.

Thank you for reading!
Sincerely, Ania

Monday, December 19, 2011

Если ты сейчас смотришь сумерки...

Привет! Интересно кто Ты кто сейчас читает эти строчки. Решила писать по-русски!

Сумерки, смотрят в окно. День застыл. На небе светло-серое одеяло туч. А может это на самом деле зимний рассвет?

И еще тишина.

Не могу дождатся когда мы поедем к океану! Зимой он совсем другой, как спящий медведь. Там, на зимнем пляже, никого нет и можно делать все что хочешь!

Да, этим мы и займемся в ближайшее время! И я вам расскажу какими шэйди вещами я там занималась :)

Спасибо, что разделяешь со мной эту минуту застывшую и пойманную в сети, пространстве ...


P.s. Love that feature on the blogspot to translate posts!!!!!! So go ahead, and translate it if u like!!! ;) Ania

Sunday, December 18, 2011

From The Studio!

Hello friend!

I CAN NOT wait till our 2 new songs are going to be done!!! AAAA!!!!
Here is a little greeting for you from the studio:

We had such great time recording them with wise David Ivory! It is just amazing watching him work. Many times I was just speechless, cause I was so impressed by what and how he does things!!!

What does this word mean to me? A producer?!

First it was so big, i could not even grasp it!! It was foreign, mysterious, wanted. Scary. Then little by little we started knowing each other better, becoming first comfortable, then friends, then close friends!!! Now it is simply amazing.

All right, Bubble Gum song and Holiday will DROP soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!

Sincerely yours, chewing Bubble Gum,

Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy Decemeber 16th!!!

Hello, hello!!!!! How are you guys doing?!!! Ania is here.
The sun is shining so bright and the sky is blue! December has been so nice to us so far!

Came back from the studio yesterday. We are working with David Ivory, a legendary producer from Philadelphia.

We got our first mix of Bubble Gum song and were finishing vocals on the song Holiday!! (that we hope we can present to you guys as our Holiday Gift to all our you, sweets ;0   )!!!!
Dan at the studio with Gretsch babe!! They played together on the Holiday song ;)

Mmm, me recording voclas for Bubble Gum yesterday will be another post, cause it's something to talk about , he-he :)))))

I did not even listen to the CD with Bubble Gum song David gave us, i don't know why... May be today. So looks like in a week we are going to have our new songs finished!!! I am so so so so so so so so so excited about it!!!

All right, lets get into this Christmas Rush!!!! Santa is coming, you know!!! Gotta get ready!
Stay fresh and entightened!! And tune back to check out our new songs!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Glen Landing IN ACTION!!

Please check out our video! Some fantastic footage from our record release party at the Grape Room!!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011


The beginning of the Glen Landing was in the fall of 2003 with the meeting of Dan Hammond (vox&guitar) and Artie Cardonick (drums). Already self-recording for some time, Dan playing drums, guitar, piano, had an arsenal of songs ready to be jammed out.

Shortly after the first few sessions, Dan knew that the combination of himself and Artie could be the beginning of the band that he had imagined and already had a name for. It is the name of the middle school that Dan and Artie attended, “Glen Landing.” With a name, a few songs, and a vision for the future, the first two members of GL rehearsed with a wide variety of different musicians searching for a few more good men.

In walks a gem, wheeling her 88 key piano was Belarusian-born Ania Aliaksandrava. The style of playing that Ania brought to the table was of a European classical descent that would help GL separate themselves from other modern rock bands. Brought together by the power of music, their polar opposites of life and culture paved the way to this band’s sonic identity.

At this point, the vision that Dan had in the beginning was now starting to take shape. While the band rehearsed as a three piece, crafting their songs and forming a strong bond between them, they still did not have a singer.

Dan writes the lyrics and melodies, but at the time had not gave singing a shot. As GL searched for their final piece in a singer, Dan seeked a vocal coach to try to be part of the solution of the lack of a singer.

Fast-forward to the spring of 2005, Dan with his freshly trained vocal cords, led this piano-rock trio to their first show. Shortly after the start of the their live show campaign, Glen Landing added bass player Brenda Stetzer.

With a homemade demo, playing shows in and out the their home town of NewJerszadelphia, GL pressed forward with aspirations to record a full-length album.

As the band continued to play shows and promote themselves thru the next few years, they met Chuck Treece, a Philly native who has a made a huge name for himself over the years as a pro skater, an accomplished studio musician, and founder of the band McRad. In Chuck the band now had someone to point them in the right direction in their quest to record the LP to be called, “Sentimental" that was released on July 19th 2010.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

How we made "Sentimental" - debut record

July 19th 2010 - THE GRAPE ROOM,  Philadelphia
Record Release Party of
Glen Landing's debut album "Sentimental"

After considering many different studios to work in, GL chose Target Studios with Marc Moss. Most of the tracking for the record took place in, “The Baby Grand Theatre,” at the Grand Opera House in downtown Wilmington Delaware.

Recording in such a large room, GL with the help of Chuck were able to achieve a big open sound in which they were looking for.  All of Ania’s piano tracks were played on a few different acoustic pianos, which was important to her for she hadn’t played an electric piano until she first came to the United States in 2004.

  The vocals for the record were done at “Musically Speaking Studios,” in Blackwood, New Jersey with Steven Childs.

During the procces of making this record the band of four, soon became three. The bass player Brenda Stetzer departed the band, for she was now a mother to be. Pushing forward, minus a bass player, Glen Landing continued working on schedule to release “Sentimental.”

At this point Chuck took over the bass duties, also Jay Smiles and Gary Jackson (The Movement / The Smiles Project), adding bass and percussion tracks, finalizing the last tracks to finish the record.

After the tracks were all in, Marc Moss started the mixing process with Dan at his side for every move. With all happy with the mixes, Marc did the mastering of the record as the band started work on the artwork.

Pressed and sealed, with this band stronger now with three, present you with a record promising to leave your senses satisfied by the sonically charged mixture of raw vocals and guitars, loud pumping drums, and the intricate layering of beautiful piano melodies.

And... we will continue to ROCK ON!!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Vintage GL...

                The times of making our debut album Sentimental.. On the railroads of South Jersey in the lost trains. Lets laugh out loud. What is there next for us?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hello everybody!!!

Welcome to Glen Landing blog!!!! It is so exciting to keep you and us up to date :)))
we love you, and you are beautiful! remember it!!!